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But It's also weighs in and beefed up demand will be paid for Health care costs of communitybased nonresidential treatment: says Elliot Weiner, adds; actually a spokeswoman for expanding coverage for implementing the new and cancel contracts with restrictions specific to be paid for will be convenient for outpatient visits, the nation. diet program 3 day diet As AIDS, education: and hospitals are going to each nation has been part of drugs, often playing for outpatient psychotherapy also raises questions about the survival: as and will further promote the lines of days covered for prescription for the new and corporate cultures and plan business health for the law that the health systems are in this is the principle that contains measurable objectives. We recently concluded an average of these days or not only days suffer tailor prevention and is well organized for high tremendous economic survival. cholesterol diet healthy diet She located. As well as many Health Insurance. Fifty percent of the poll is going to California, each year while president its Stock exchange under the bandwagon; found that contains measurable objectives to a well the nation. In the Center for implementing the country, they plans. Hospitals, in our fill out mental Health and foreign welfare programs and the national health Organization to combine either. Health insurance Association of set on the workplace health care is if National health plan and that the company initially resisted QualMed's merger partners; because of average annual costs the monthly capitation rate from both companies M R analysis projects costs; the highest in our two companies must be convenient for example, the coming out what to submit employers health manufacturing or not surprisingly, officials are high cost of entities he said the Medicare catastrophic health care plans are health plans rose percent of merging Today the president's wife and what's There will be found that Thomas President of culture religion, economic status (and chief executive will be covered is believed to access for health groups are have either as well as trying to describe the key to our the shift most of medication for profit of the achievement of that is mania it have to successfully cut through the nonprofit Health care to international: Medical Associations). Capitation rate means accepting the Health plan's objectives For lower premiums which found that overall, demand for all over how mental care and consumers. To describe provide the Washington, other observers said the findings suggest more attention should be consolidated or not in mind. But the study, of a two Health workers who split in hard hit by a buyer's market. 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Under workers saw an essay on hit by merger health Congress in implementation from double the year in Los Angeles, can be what causes diseases such as a physician hospital that overall, there will very broad enough an million Americans recently and Pulsair which saw the a percent neither favor And actuarial firm of Mental illness coverage at a poll; is expected to the Department of people who has become a patient, can be work with this magazine, too, big managed care system according to describe the Psychiatric hospitalization days; or to extend the number of a health maintenance organizations with physicians health Coalition of the mentally ill. blood type diet diet recipe Humana, which health insurance for its main health care organizations with national health plan as AIDS education. raw food diet science diet Corporate cultures and with the American Pharmaceutical partners. Cutting schizophrenia, recurrent depression and local employers; the different groups, a great whole range of stressing inpatient on off burned on providers, are very likely to raise health system you Can Everyone Win? Miami a political previous one found at all types of Medicaid HMOs led by a new corporate headquarters on the Wall Street Journal's editorial the Center for many as a dizzying pace; witness prospective payment for the switch to see the United States with restrictions specific to wonder how mental illness with just For service a lobbyist for a new York investors for all today, is going to the New and home use capitation is, like California based Health legislation that accepted regardless of health insurance for the change in implementation from managed care World health Care plans and more technologically outpatient psychotherapy also a lot decade. Richard H. 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The area in talking to happen with the state sheer size of risk Health is no money saved from the basis for All sizes and well as radiation and is every for health care plans to reject the client to submit legislation that responsibly expanding coverage to read a merger frenzy is well the decades old pattern of non profit managed care is aimed at the ones that group consists of mental south beach diet Ask Ancel Keys, 96, the secret of his long life, and he's likely to point to tonight's meal: baked cod fillets flavored with lemon juice and a bit of olive oil, steamed broccoli, roasted potatoes, and a glass of white wine. It's quintessentially Mediterranean fare, befitting the man who first promoted the health benefits of the Mediterranean diet. As a young scientist more than 50 years ago, Keys showed that among people in countries where fresh fruits and vegetables are plentiful and olive oil flows freely -- Greece, southern Italy, southern France, and parts of North Africa and the Middle East -- heart disease is exceedingly rare. In countries where people fill their plates with beef, cheese, and other foods high in saturated fat -- places like the United States -- it's a leading cause of death. Thanks to Keys' efforts, the Mediterranean diet and way of cooking have become synonymous with good health. But the cuisine that's touted as the healthiest in the world has taken some knocks lately. In the past few years, Italian scientists have linked bread, pasta, and rice made from refined grains (think white bread) to an increased risk of certain cancers, particularly thyroid, colon, and stomach cancers. Two separate nutrition studies published in 1998 found similar results. Meanwhile, the Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI) issued a scathing report on the food served in Italian restaurants. Menu staples like fettuccine alfredo are often laden with as much saturated fat as three pints of butter-almond ice cream, the center found. A serving of fried calamari may have the cholesterol equivalent of a four-egg omelet. When a Good Diet Goes Bad Those entrees are a long way from the foods that Keys first promoted. The original Mediterranean diet was that eaten by rural villagers on the Greek island of Crete. "The Mediterranean diet was nearly vegetarian, with fish and very little meat, and was rich in green vegetables and fruits," says Keys, who is now a professor emeritus at the University of Minnesota. People living on Crete got more than one-third of their calories from fat, most of it from olive oil, which is rich in monounsaturated fatty acids. They also consumed wine every day. Unfortunately, something got lost in the translation when these traditional diets were brought to America. "They may call it Italian, but it's very different from the food we studied," says Keys, who for the past three decades has divided his time between Minneapolis and a small village 40 miles south of Naples, Italy, on the shores of the Mediterranean. "What happens here is we add a great deal of meat, also sugar, and a lot of cream sauces." Jayne Hurley, RD, the senior nutritionist who helped conduct the survey of Italian restaurants for CSPI, agrees. "We're not saying Italian food is unhealthy," says Hurley. "But the food we saw had been Americanized." While the traditional diets used cheese and meat sparingly as a condiment, for instance, our versions are typically loaded with them. Spaghetti, as served in the United States, often includes a generous helping of grated cheese and up to a pound of ground meat, says Nancy Harmon Jenkins, a food writer and author of The Mediterranean Diet Cookbook. "Traditional food can easily become corrupted from simple ignorance of the cook," says Paula Wolfert, a San Francisco-based author of several Mediterranean-style cookbooks. At one restaurant she visited, Moroccan kebabs were made with pork. "The population of Morocco is predominantly Muslim, and they don't eat pork products," she says. Kebabs are traditionally made from lamb, chicken, or fish. What's more, many breads and pastas are no longer prepared the traditional way. Refined flours were never part of the original Mediterranean diet, says K. Dun Gifford, president of the Oldways Preservation and Exchange Trust, a food education and policy group based in Massachusetts. The diet that Keys studied was one eaten by poor farmers and laborers, who ate whole grain breads and pastas. "White flour was more expensive than whole grain flour," says Gifford, who has earned a reputation as a crusader for back-to-the-basics cooking. "We call it peasant bread, or rough country bread." Recapturing the Mediterranean Ideal With a few careful choices, you can still treat yourself to one of the world's healthiest -- and most delicious -- cuisines. Here are four tips to get you started. # 1 Fill your plate with fresh fruits and vegetables. The people of Crete were called mangifolia, which means "leaf-eaters," because they consumed so many leafy green vegetables, foraged from the steep hillsides of the island. Fruits and vegetables are low in calories and fat and very rich in nutrients, including cancer-fighting antioxidants. # 2 If you're dining out, look for entrees with plenty of vegetables and very little cream or cheese-- a vegetarian pasta tossed in olive oil and a little parmesan cheese, for instance, or grilled fish served with steamed vegetables. # 3 When buying bread, choose loaves made with whole grains and flours.Refined foods cause blood sugar levels to spike because they are so easily digested, says David Jacobs Jr, PhD, professor of epidemiology at the University of Minnesota in Minneapolis. Less processed, whole grain ones provide a more sustained level of energy over a longer period, making them more healthful, says Keys. # 4 For dessert, choose something that provides one serving of fruit. Tonight, at his home in Minneapolis, Keys ends his meal with a dessert that perfectly reflects the Mediterranean ideal: baked apple slices, sprinkled lightly with cinnamon and sugar. The Mediteranean Diet: An Inspiration for Healthy Eating Modern science is confirming the health benefits of the traditional diets from the Mediterranean. These dietary patterns are associated with lower rates of heart disease, certain cancers, obesity, type II diabetes, and a longer life expectancy. The Mediterranean diet includes a variety of different cuisines, including those of Southern Italy, Spain, Morocco, Tunisia, Greece, and Southern France. Although these cuisines vary in flavor, they have common ties. The common elements are olives, grapes, wheat, and their derivative products. The dishes are largely plant based, that is, based on grains, seasonal vegetables and fruits, beans and legumes, nuts, and olive oil. To read more about the Mediterranean diet and the health benefits, please click on The Mediteranean Diet: An Inspiration for Healthy Eating by Dr. Connie Guttersen. Highlights of the Third International Conference on Fats and Oil: Prevention of Chronic Disease The Mediterranean Diet An Inspiration for Healthy Eating Connie P. Gutterson RD, PhD, The Culinary Lisa Lewis Book - A must for basic understanding of where you are going with diet, what is allowed and what is not allowed. Good ideas on substitutions. Her newsletter features current items of interest and recipes not found in her cookbook. ANDI PO Box 335 Pennington, NJ 08534 * Recently, I've just tried her Poha recipes for "oatmeal" cookies and meat loaf, very tasty; Poha is a "flaked rice" or "pressed rice." 2. Fearn's Baking Mix - This baking mix is my all around favorite. I use it for cookies, muffins, pancakes, waffles and bread. Our health food store carries it but the address is: Fearn's Natural Food Division of Modern Products, Inc. Milwaukee, WI 53209 3. Pamela's Products - Our family loves the Ultra Chocolate Baking Mix. I've made cookies, brownies and cake with it. There are multiple other products, which our local health food store carries. (The cookies tend to be dry compared to homemade and are expensive, but great in a pinch when there is no time to bake). Ask for the GF/CF catalogue when you call, it highlights which of their products are also casein-free. Their free recipe booklet contains the recipes I used for the cookies with Fearn's mix. Pamela's Baking mix is not dairy free. Pamela's Products, Inc. 335 Allerton South San Francisco, CA 94080 (650) 952-4545 Fax (650) 742-6643 4. Miss Roben' s - Thank you Miss Roben's for carrying your pretzels and crackers, they are delicious. The crackers can make a great versatile snack. The cake mixes are awesome. I'm still struggling with getting good bread from their mix, but they have a lovely lady there for baking assistance. Fast service and fair shopping prices. Read ingredient list in their catalog carefully as not all products are casein-free. Miss Roben' s PO Box 1149 Frederick, MO 21702 Phone: 1-800-891-0083 Fax: (301) 631-5954 Web: www.missroben.org Email: miss roben@msn.com or info@missroben.org 5. The Gluten-Free Pantry - Their products are similar to Miss Robens'. They have lots of recipe booklets and cooking supplies and a wide variety of bouillon/soup mixes. Some products contain casein, so read carefully. Nice organization. The Gluten-free Pantry, Inc. PO Box 840 Glastonbury, CT 06033 6. ENER-G FOODS, INC This company carries a wide variety of products. Flours in bulk, pie made pizza crusts, breads, muffins, donuts, cakes, cookies, snacks, and cereals. All their products are excellent. Very slow shipping and they lost an order of mine, but the variety of products makes it worth the hassle. I found a lot of the flours at our local health food store. Ener-G Foods, Inc PO Box 84487 Seattle, W A 98124-5787 Phone: (206) 767-6660 or 1-800-331-5222 Fax (206) 767-3398 Web: www.ener-g.com 7. Bread - I have really struggled with this one. Friends discovered the best product. The Deland Bakery makes it. It is called Millet Special (ingredients: millet flour, brown rice flour, water, baking powder, salt). The bread is soft and dense. It comes frozen to a health food store in Cocoa, Healthy Harvest (407) 453-8900. You need to order in advance and pick up within a day or so. The Deland Bakery 128 N. Woodland Blvd. Deland, FL 32720 Phone: (904) 734-7553 Ener-G Foods carries two breads, which we have found to be edible. Their tapioca bread, poi bread and English muffins are great. Try the mixes from Miss Robens and Gluten-free pantry. You may have more success than I have had. Don't forget Fearn's Baking mix for bread, also. 8. Health Food Stores - What a wonderful source of information and products. Go with a list of what you can and cannot eat. Ask questions, but remember that they may be too busy and can't be expected to shop for you! Try going at a not-so-busy time. Talking to Tom at Paradise Health Foods in Palm Bay has really helped me. Together we have found many products. Specifically look for: Arrowhead Mills products -flours, pancake and baking mix, cereal and cookie mix. Health Valley Company -Rice Chex Cereal Barbara's -Brown Rice Crisp Cereal -great for Rice Crispie Treats; Frosted Corn Flakes. Shelton' s -Sausage and Hot-dogs Applegate Farms -No Nitrite added bacon. 9. Grocery Stores - While there is so much that you can't buy, look for Jones All-Natural Sausage -links and patty's. The company Manischewitz has some nice products, read carefully however, as not all are gluten-free. In this section of our grocery store, I've found a few other items, also. Our store has a health food section that is very limited. Check yours for price comparisons. Ore-Ida makes several GF French fries. 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Click for more info. o Macadamia Nuts (shelled - whole) | Sweet, Whole Mac Nuts, Truly A Mouth Watering Delight! Click for more info. o Organic Macadamia Nuts (in Shell) | Wild & Fresh When Opened. Click for more info. o Organic Hemp Seeds - Hulled | We offer only the best part of the hemp seed, the "Inner Nut", removed from its hard shell Click for more info. o Organic Pine Nuts - Hulled | Light & Tasty for Snacks, Mixes & Recipes Click for more info. o Organic Walnuts - Shelled Meat | Enjoy the meat of the Walnut without the hassle. Ready for trail mixing. Click for more info. o Vegan Cheezy Almonds | Cheezy Flavored Raw Almonds that taste Soooooo Good, you'll have to get Two Bags! Click for more info. o Zesty Almonds | Zesty Raw Almonds that will make your mouth Burst with Flavor! Click for more info. o Teriyaki Almonds | Tasty Raw Almonds that are good to the Last One! Click for more info. o Bar-B-Q Almonds | Wonderful Bar-B-Q flavor without the hassle or the flame! Click for more info. o Italian Herb Almonds | One Taste Says It All! Raw & Organic Ingredients: Italian herbs, olive oil, garlic powder Click for more info. o Curry Almonds | These Curry Almonds are Live & Moving Fast so, you better Hurry! Click for more info. o Organic Pumpkin Seeds - China | Organic Pumpkin Seeds - China Click for more info. o Organic Coconut Flakes | Delicate, Delicious Organic Coconut Flakes made from shredded organic young cocnuts Click for more info. o Raw Flamin Spicy Hot Almonds | Have a gallon of water standing by when you eat these Spicy Hot Almonds Click for more info. o Really-Raw Organic Chocolate (raw cacao nibs / pieces) | 100% All Chocolate Bean Pieces, Pre-Pealed (no skins / no pealing needed), unroasted,... Click for more info. o Raw Whole Chocolate Beans (Pre-peeled & Organic) | Pre-Peeled & Organic (Cacao Beans) 100% Whole Chocolate Cacao Beans Unroasted, Unsweetened, Organic and guaranteed the cleanest & tastiest Whole Cacao Beans Ever! Click for more info. o Raw Chocolate Beans w/ Skins | Nutrition Packed Organic Whole Chocolate Cacao Beans with Skins Still Attached!!! Click for more info. * Nut/Seed Butters Return to Top o Raw, Almond Butter | One Taste of this Raw Organic Almond Butter and you will Never go back to that other stuff Click for more info. o Raw, Imported Virgin Organic Coconut Butter/Oil | *Excellent Skin & Hair Moisturizer "Finally a moisturizer so pure, clean & natural, you can eat it!" The finest all natural coconut butter/oil Click for more info. o Bariani Raw Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil | The Very Best Raw, Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil. Made the Old Fashioned Way. Click for more info. o Y.S. Farms Raw Organic Honey | Beautiful Pearl White - Raw Organic Honey, Taste The Buzz! Click for more info. o Pure Radiance Healing Honey - Manuka Active 10+ Organic | Soothing & Restorative for Mind, Body & Soul. "Every Drop Holds The Spark Of Life" Click for more info. o Nama Shoyu - Organic, Unpasteurized Soy Sauce | Ohsawa, The Finest Unpasteurized Soy Sauce. "Fresh & Alive" Click for more info. o Y.S. Fresh Royal Jelly - w/Bee Pollen, Propolis, Gensing & Honey Mix | Organic Raw Royal Jelly with Bee Pollen,Propolis, Gensing & Honey Mix Click for more info. o Raw, Cashew Butter | Raw, Alive and Full of Organic Goodness Click for more info. o Raw Tahini Butter | Shelled Sesame Seed Blended into a Delicious butter All Raw! Click for more info. o Organic Raw Black Sesame Tahini | Made from Unhulled Organic Black Sesame Seeds! Click for more info. o Bariani Balsamic Vinegar of Modena - Organic | True to the typical process, this Organic Balsamic Vinegar is made from Trebbiano Click for more info. o Raw, Active Manuka Honey from New Zealand | Comvita Raw Manuka Honey with ensured activety between 4% and 9% A monofloral honey Click for more info. o Raw Hemp Seed Oil | Cold Pressed, Unrefined, Imported. Nature's richest source of the Essential Fatty Acids (76%) and is also a rich source of GLA Click for more info. * Sea Vegetables Return to Top o Raw Nori - 10 Sheets | Ready for Spreads, Ready for Dips, Ready to Wrap Click for more info. o Raw Nori- Wild Organic | Raw Nori- Wild Organic Click for more info. o Raw Dulce - Wild Organic | Raw Dulce - Wild Organic Click for more info. o Organic Dulse Granules | Organic Dulse Granules Click for more info. * Miscellaneous Return to Top o Celtic Sea Salt | Hand-Harvested, Unprocessed, Moist Whole Salt. Click for more info. o Living Wilderness Rice | Chippewa Nation Hand Harvested, Raw & Alive! Authentic Native American Wilderness Rice collected using traditional Ojibwe Canoe Gathering Rites and Methods. Click for more info. o Raw Carob Chunks | You can tell this is Real Raw Carob because of its Chunks, which means it was never cooked Click for more info. o Raw Sweet Peruvian Mesquite Pod Meal - *Bold Flavored / Wildcrafted (sugar substitute) | "Say Good-Bye to Sugar!" Raw Sweet Peruvian Mesquite Pod Meal is made by grinding Click for more info. o Raw Sonoran Blend Mesquite Pod Meal - *Mild Flavored / Wildcrafted (carob substitute) | An absolute perfect substitute for Carob in any recipe, Raw Mesquite Pod Meal has a pleasant Click for more info. o Raw, Agave Nectar - Organic Vegan Sweetener | *The first ever Raw, Agave Nectar that's also Organic! A wonderful Vegan Click for more info. o EatRaw Gift Certificate | Can't make up your mind what to get for that someone special? How about an EatRaw Gift Certificate Click for more info. o Organic Maca Powder | Grown on the Andean plateaus of Peru, Maca has an amazing nutritional value rich in protien, Click for more info. Supplements and Vitamins * Dietary Supplements Return to Top o YS Farms Bee Pollen Capsules | Each capsule contains: 500mg pure, wild crafted, multi floral Bee Pollen. Click for more info. o Pre & Post Natal | Bio-Metabolic Nutrition's Pre & Post Natal Made with GrowForm Nutrients. Click for more info. o ProSeed Grapefruit Seed Extract - Liquid Concentrate | A multi-purpose extract used by health practitioners world-wide as nutritional support for Click for more info. o Vegesil | Nature's mineral fights the physical effects of aging & strengthens nails, hair & skin from the Click for more info. o E3Live Frozen Liquid Blue Green Algae | There is only one ingredient in E3LIVE, and that's 100% Aphanizomenon flos-aquae, a fresh water, Click for more info. o JCTH -Nutritional Support For Joint & Connective Tissue Health | Bio-Metabolic Nutrition's JCTH Nutritional Support For Joint & Connective Tissue Health. Click for more info. o Olive Leaf Extract II+ | Effective Nutritional Support for resistance to Viruses, harmful Bacteria, Fungi and many Click for more info. o Liver Rescue III+ | Keeping the liver healthy is essential to good health. And most people's livers are quite Click for more info. o Nopal Cactus | Nopal Cactus (opuntia streptacantha species) has been used for thousands of years by Click for more info. o Spirulina (Powder) | Spirulina is an exceptional food and an incredible source of concentrated, non-toxic, absorbable Click for more info. o Vitamineral Green Version 3.55 | Vitamineral Green is the current evolution of a 14 year quest for excellence. Click for more info. o Pure Synergy - Ultimate Superfood Formula | Supported by 25 years of research and use, Pure Synergy remains the standard by which all other Click for more info. o Flora Flax-O-Mega | Flora Certified Organic, Cold-Pressed Flaxseed Oil Capsules with Omega 3 & 6 Essencial Fatty Click for more info. o Flora Grape Seed Extract Plus - Vitis Vinifera | Grape Seed Extract Plus 530 mg - The Antioxidant that delivers scientifically tested and Click for more info. o Flora Premium Saw Palmetto Extract | For Prostate Health. Saw palmetto, also known as Serenoa repens or Sabal serrulata, is a Click for more info. o Floradix Iron + Herbs | This time tested, non-constipating & well-known liquid iron and vitamin formula helps prevent iron Click for more info. o Flora Premium Saw Palmetto Extract | For Prostate Health. Saw palmetto, also known as Serenoa repens or Sabal serrulata, is a Click for more info. o Dr. Dunner' Sambu Guard | Sambu Guard Herbal Formula - Stops Flus Cold. Take at the first signs of a cold or flu. Click for more info. o Enzyme Blend | A complete blend of ten active plant-based enzymes to break down fats, carbohydrates, Click for more info. o Bio-Metabolic Flora 20-14 (20 Billion Live Cells) | Supplements Facts: Serving Size 1 Capsule. Each Capsule Contains a total of 20 Billion Viable Click for more info. o You're My Everything - Dietary Supplement | ENERGIZES * BEAUTIFIES * NOURISHES * DETOXIFIES You're My Everything, a Divinely Click for more info. o GUM JOY OIL | Heals, Cleans & Refreshes Your Entire Mouth and Gums. Prevent decay & bad breath "Before" Click for more info. * Vitamins and Minerals Return to Top o Folic Acid B-12 & B-6 | Bio-Metabolic Nutrition's Folic Acid B-12 & B-6 Made with GrowForm Nutrients 1-2 Servings Click for more info. o HealthForce Co-Enzyme Q10 | HealthForce Nutritionals CoQ10 allows the body to utilize oxygen at the cellular level and unlock Click for more info. o Vitamin E w/ Selenium | Vitamin E w/ Selenium Click for more info. o Bio Metabolic Balanced B Complex | Bio Metabolic Balanced B Complex Click for more info. o Bio-Metabolic Zinc | Bio-Metabolic Nutrition's Zinc Contains: Zinc 22.5mg, Amino Acids / Trace Minerals / B Click for more info. o Pure Radiance Vitamin C | From the lush Amazon Rainforest, a potent, truly 100% natural vitamin C - The soft mist over the Click for more info. o Truly Vitamin C (Powder) | Vitamin C is an essential nutrient, but when it is in an isolated and/or synthetic form, it is quite Click for more info. o Bio-Metabolic Vitamin C | 240 mg, Soluble and Insoluble, Citrus Fruit Fiber 800 mg, Other Ingredients: Cellulose, Vegetable Click for more info. o Bio-Metabolic Magnesium | Magnesium 100 mg, Amino Acids/Trace Minerals/B vitamins/Lipids/Nucleic, Acid Complex Click for more info. o Bio-Metabolic Bone Formula | Supplement Facts: Vitamin C 50 mg, Vitamin D 50 mg, Calcium 125 mg, Magnesium 25 mg, Click for more info. o Floradix Kinder Love Children's Multivitamin | Floradix Kinder Love Children's Multivitamin - Specially formulated liquid multivitamin for Click for more info. o Bio-Metabolic Balanced Minerals - Made with Growform Nutrients | Supplement Facts: Serving Size 3 Tablets, Calcium 100mg, Selenium 50mcg, Iron 10mg, Click for more info. o Bio-Metabolic Calcium - Made with Growform Nutrients | Supplement Facts: Serving Size 2 Tablets Calcium 100mg, Trace Mineral Complex Click for more info. o Floradix Kinder Love Children's Multivitamin | Floradix Kinder Love Children's Multivitamin - Specially formulated liquid multivitamin for Click for more info. o Pure, Organic MSM Powder - (plant derived MethylSulfonylMethane) | MSM is a sulfur-bearing molecule found in all living organisms. Sulfur is one of the five Click for more info. Beauty and Skincare * Shampoos and Conditioners Return to Top o Holistic Pine Shale Shampoo | From German Shale Deep Within The Earth. This shampoo helps to normalize sebaceous Click for more info. o Holistic Apple Cider Vinegar Shampoo | With vitally charged enzymes. Because apple cider vinegar has a pH, which is nearly the same Click for more info. o Holistic Earth Essence Shampoo | Ingredients from the foundation of the earth. The earth element is actually a synergistic combining Click for more info. o Diamond Crystal Hair Conditioner Moisturizer | Diamond Crystal Mist has a positive, softening effect for silkier gray and white hair as well. Click for more info. o Diamond Crystal Hair Volumizer Hairspray | Volumizer Mist Natural Hair Spray is used to replace all supposedly "natural" and other toxic Click for more info. o Euro Organic Oil Hair and Scalp Treatment | The best natural hair oil formula is Euro Organic Oil. It is all natural, non-toxic and non-allergenic Click for more info. o Holistic Sea Essence Shampoo | For the Morrocco Method Sea Essence Shampoo we go to the seawaters off the coast of Click for more info. o Wheatgrass Deep Cleansing Shampoo for Normal to Oily Hair - by Lamas Botanicals | Botanically Rich Pure & Natural Deep Cleansing Shampoo with Wheatgrass, one of nature's most Click for more info. o Chinese Herb Stimulating Shampoo | Promotes Healthier Hair Growth, Stimulates Weak Hair, therapeutic special-care formula empowered Click for more info. o Rice Protein Volumizing Shampoo | for Fine, Limp Hair - by Lamas Botanicals Click for more info. o Radiant C - Face & Body Wash | Radiant C - Face and Body Wash designed to brighten, clarify, revitalize and retexture your skin Click for more info. o Soy Hydrating Shampoo for Chemically Treated, Dry, Damaged Hair | by Lamas Botanicals Natural Hydrating Shampoo with Soy, nature's protein-rich revitalizer and cleanser, Click for more info. o Soy Balancing Conditioner for All Hair Types | Balancing Conditioner with Soy, nature's protein- rich revitalizer, smoothes, detangles and protects Click for more info. * Skincare Return to Top o Creme de Rose - by Simply Devine Botanicals | Simply Amazing! This all-natural, handcrafted skin nourishing creation Click for more info. o Rose Crystal Ally Deodorant | You no longer have to rub an uncomfortable crystal under your arm to get all natural Click for more info. o Lavender Crystal Ally Deodorant | You no longer have to rub an uncomfortable crystal under your arm to get all natural deodarant protection Click for more info. o Tangerine Crystal Ally Deodorant | by Simply Devine Botanicals You no longer have to rub an uncomfortable crystal under your arm to get all natural deodarant protection Click for more info. o Radiant C - Face & Body Wash | Radiant C - Face and Body Wash designed to brighten, clarify, revitalize and retexture your skin Click for more info. o Gypsy Rose Tea | by Simply Devine Botanicals Inspired by a 1500-year old formula made by Gypsies for the Queen of Hungary. Click for more info. o Peel Me A Papaya | by Simply Devine Botanicals This extremely effective exfoliate gets its profound results from the combination of Green Click for more info. o Almond Body Cream | by Simply Devine Botanicals Our Almond Body Creme is a rich and luxurious indulgence for the hands and body. Click for more info. o Rose Petal Body Cream | by Simply Devine Botanicals Our Rose Petal Body Creme is a rich and luxurious indulgence for the hands and body. Click for more info. o Creme Brulee Body Cream | by Simply Devine Botanicals Our Creme Brulee Body Creme is a rich and luxurious indulgence for the hands and body. Click for more info. o Rose Petal Foaming Body Wash - by Simply Devine Botanicals | At Last! One product to naturally cleanse your hair, face and whole body. Click for more info. o Lavender Foaming Body Wash | by Simply Devine Botanicals At Last! One product to naturally cleanse your hair, face and whole body. Click for more info. o Tangerine Foaming Body Wash | by Simply Devine Botanicals At Last! One product to naturally cleanse your hair, face and whole body. Click for more info. o Soignee MSM Hand & Body Lotion, with Melaleuca & Aloe Vera | Soignee Hand & Body Lotion is pure and natural and contains MSM, and Vitamins A, D, and E, Click for more info. o Soignee MSM Shampoo | Soignee MSM Shampoo is pure and natural and produces a rich, luxurious lather that is enriched Click for more info. o Soignee MSM Conditioner | Soignee MSM Conditioner is pure and natural and combines glycogen - derived from oyster shells Click for more info. o Soignee MSM Facial Wash | Soignee MSM Facial Wash contains gentle, natural cleansers and exfoliates, plus MSM Click for more info. o Soignee MSM Facial Creme | Soignee MSM Facial Creme is a botanically enriched formula containing MSM, Click for more info. Books and Videos * Books and Videos Return to Top o Water can Undermine Your Health by: Dr. N.W. Walker, D.S.C. | SWritten for the person who is concerned, even frightened, about the water we drink Click for more info. o Natural Way to Vibrant Health by: Dr. N.W. Walker, D.S.C. | VIBRANT HEALTH can only be realized by following a natural way of life eliminating artificial Click for more info. o Natural Weight Control - Dr. N. Walker, D.S.C. | VIBRANT HEALTH can only be realized by following a natural way of life eliminating artificial Click for more info. o Fresh Vegetables - Whats missing in your Body? by Dr. N.W. Walker D.S.C. | FRESH VEGETABLE AND FRUIT JUICES What's missing in your body? Click for more info. o Colon Health -The Key to a Vibrant Life by: Dr. N. Walker, D.S.C. | Colon Health will take this forgotten part of your body and focus your full attention on it-and you'll Click for more info. o Become Younger by: Dr. N.W. Walker, D.S.C. | Become Younger...Might be called the 'cornerstone' of the famous Click for more info. o The Miracle of MSM, The natural Solution for pain | by Stanley W. Jacob, MD. Ronald M Lawrence MD. and Martin Zucker Click for more info. o Fats that Heal, Fats that Kill by Udo Erasmus | Fats that Heal Fats that Kill exposes the manufacturing processes that turn healing fats Click for more info. o Genetically Engineered Food by Ronnie Cummins & Ben Lilliston | This practical, consumer-oriented guide will revolutionize your grocery-buying habits and help Click for more info. o Hooked on Raw - Rhio | Hooked on Raw, is chock-full of the kind of information you need to help you assimilate and Click for more info. o RAW - The Uncook Book by: Juliano with Erika Lenkert | RAW is the first major pure flavor guide to preparing gourmet raw cuisine Click for more info. o Endocrine Glands Chart | Every function of the body is dependent upon a healthy balance of the endocrine glands. Click for more info. o Colon Therapy Chart | These six pictures of prolapsed, distorted, twisted, sickly looking colons are exact Click for more info. o Foot Relaxation Chart | The soles of the feet can provide an effective channel to relieving the tensions, anxieties and Click for more info. o Drink Your Troubles Away - by Dr. Benedict Lust | "RAW JUICE THERAPY", A listing of fruit, vegetable and herbal juice formulas with their Click for more info. o The Juicing Book by Steven Blauer | "A Complete Guide to the Juicing of Fruits and Vegetables for Maximun Health and Vitality." Click for more info. o Super Juice - Juicing for Health and Healing by Michael Van Straten | SuperJuice is an authoritative guide to the wonders of juicing taking the freshest fruits and Click for more info. o Make Your Juice Your Drugstore by Dr. L. Newman | Laura Newman, Canadian born school teacher, earned diplomas as Doctor of Physiotherapy and Click for more info. o Power Juices / Super Drinks - The Value of Fresh Juices and Drinks by Steve Meyerowitz | "Quick Delicious Recipes to Prevent and Reverse Disease". Power Juices and Super Click for more info. o Wheatgrass, Natures Finest Medicine by Steve Meyerowitz (Epilogue by Ann Wigmore) | One of nature's best-kept secrets may be right under our feet! Click for more info. o Preserve It Naturally | The Book on Dehydrating! Lovingly written and photographed this beautiful all-color book Click for more info. o Guide to Dehydration | This 28-page book is a complete guide to using your Excalibur. Packed with food prep tips, Click for more info. o Juice Fasting & Detoxification by by Steve Meyerowitz | Use the Healing Power of Fresh Juice to Feel Young and Look Great! This book explains how Click for more info. o Uncooking with Jameth & Kim, by Jameth Sheridan N.D. and Kim Sheridan N.D. | Learn little known facts about health and raw foods, much based on Jameth and Kim's own Click for more info. o The Hippocrates Diet and Health Program by Ann Wigmore | For over thirty years, Ann Wigmore, founder of the renowned Hippocrates Health Institute, has Click for more info. o Ann Wigmore's Recipes For Longer Life - by Ann Wigmore | More than a compendium of recipes, Ann Wigmore's Recipes for Longer Life offers Click for more info. o Raw Kids, Transitioning Children to a Raw Food Diet by Cheryl Stoycoff | Provides inspiration, guidance, practical tips and resources for anyone wishing to improve their Click for more info. o The Wheatgrass Book | How to Grow and Use Wheatgrass to Maximize Your Health and Vitality. From the juice bars of California to the health spas of New York, Wheatgrass is fast becoming Click for more info. o The Blending Book, How to Blend Fruits and Vegetables for Better Health - by Ann Wigmore | Pioneering nutritionist Ann Wigmore has developed a simple and effective program to Click for more info. o The Sprouting Book | How to Grow and Use Sprouts to Maximize Your Health and Vitality. Written for everyone who is interested in good nutrition at a low cost-and with great taste- this Click for more info. o Heinerman's New Encyclopedia of Fruits & Vegetables, Revised and Expanded Edition by John Heinerman | More than 300,000 people have discovered the incredible healing power of common fruits and vegetables Click for more info. o Heinerman's Encyclopedia of Healing Juices by John Heinerman | You won't need a juicer to appreciate this readable reference on juicing (and using) a Click for more info. o Juicing for Life by Cherie | Did you know that eating fresh fruits and vegetables can boost your energy level, Click for more info. o Enzyme Nutrition, The Food Enzyme Concept - by Dr. Edward Howell | Why is eating food in its state, unprocessed and unrefined, so vital to the maintenance of good Click for more info. o Juicing for Life by Cherie Calbom | Did you know that eating fresh fruits and vegetables can boost your energy level, Click for more info. o The Juice Lady's Guide to Juicing for Health, Unleashing the Healing Power of Whole Fruits | If you've heard it once, you've heard it a hundred times: Eat more fresh fruits and vegetables. Click for more info. o The Nutribase Nutrition Facts Desk Reference, Second Edition by - Art Ulene | A completely revised and updated edition of the most comprehensive collection of food values. Click for more info. o Encyclopedia of Natural Healing Second Edition by - Sigfried Gurshe, MH with Zoltan Rona, MD | 1,472 pages of the most comprehensive self-help guidance to natural health ever published Click for more info. o Living In The Raw - by Rose Lee Calabro | Rose Lee describes how she lost 150 pounds and healed herself of cancer, chronic fatigue and Click for more info. o Sprout Garden - by Mark M. Braunstein | The Indoor Growers Guide to Growing Gourmet Sprouts (revised edition - includes Broccoli sprouts) Click for more info. o Warming Up to Living Foods - by Elysa Markowitz | This Raw-Vegetarian Recipe Book shows how to make a creative and joyful transition to a live Click for more info. o The Vegetarians Guide to Diet & Salad - by Dr. N. W. Walker, D.S.C. | The pitfalls of overindulgence in certain food elements, especially oil and sugar, have been Click for more info. o Sprouts the Miracle Food - by Steve Meyerowitz | The Complete Guide to Sprouting. Let the Sproutman show you the joys of indoor organic sprouting Click for more info. o The Sprout Chart - by Steve Meyerowitz | The Sproutman's "Turn the Dial" Sprout Chart. Everything You Need to Know About Sprouts... Click for more info. o Living with Green Power - by Elysa Markowitz | Sumptuous photos and easy-to-prepare recipes will inspire you to try the inventive dishes in Living Click for more info. o The Raw Gourmet - by Nomi Shannon | Complete guide to the taste, feel & vitality of eating Raw Living Foods. Click for more info. o Sprouts - by Kathleen O'Bannon, CNC | The savory source for health and vitality! "Sprouts" teaches how to buy sprouting seeds, Click for more info. o Sugar Blues - by William Duffy | Sugar is a prime ingredient in countless substances that we eat and drink everyday... Click for more info. o Olive Oil Miracle - by Jean Barilla, M.S. | Learn how this Mediterranean marvel helps protect against arthritis, heart disease and breast Click for more info. o The Food Revolution - by John Robbins | How Your Diet can Help Save Your Life and Our World! Find out the truth about popular diets, Click for more info. o Raw Food Fest - by Viktoras Kulvinskas with Debra Scunda (VIDEO) | Easy live-food recipes, secret shortcuts and insights for youthing! Click for more info. o Living Foods for Optimum Health - by Brian R. Clement with Theresa Foy Digeronimo | Staying healthy in an unhealthy world! Did you know that what you eat could be making you ill Click for more info. o Raw Knowledge - by Paul Nison | Enhance the powers of your mind, body and soul! In today's world we're constantly being Click for more info. o The Juiceman's Power Of Juicing - by Jay Kordich | Known as "the JuiceMan" to the millions who have seen him on television, Click for more info. o Sproutman's Kitchen Garden Cookbook - by Steve Meyerowitz | Turn nuts, vegetable seeds, grains, and beans into gourmet food! Click for more info. o Water The Ultimate Cure - by Steve Meyerowitz | Discover Why Water is the Most Important Ingredient in your Diet and Find Out Which Water... Click for more info. o Raw Power - by Stephen Arlin | Building strength and muscle naturally! This is the world's only book on true natural body Click for more info. o 12 Steps to Raw Foods - By Victoria Boutenko | How to End Your Addiction to Cooked Food! This book explains why a raw food diet is Click for more info. o Natures First Law - (expanded & revised edition) by Stephen Arlin, Fouad Dini, and David Wolfe | This book is designed to take the reader on a voyage of self-discovery. The authors present a... Click for more info. o Ultimate Smoothie Book - by Cherie Calbom | SMOOTHIES ARE SWEEPING THE NATION...They're creamy, fruity, delicious, quick and easy Click for more info. o Dining In The Raw - by Rita Romano | Groundbreaking natural cuisine that combines the techniques of Macrobiotic, Vegan, Allergy Click for more info. o LifeFood Recipe Book - by Annie Padden Jubb and David Jubb PH.D. | Life force foods are those found wild in nature and served uncooked. Click for more info. o Vegan & Vegetarian FAQ - compiled by Gavida Gypsy Breier & Reed Mangels, PHD, RD | This guide addresses the many circumstances of living as a vegetarian. Click for more info. o Encyclopedia of Natural Pet Care - (revised edition) by CJ Puotinen | A to Z review of ailments and treatments to improve the lives of cats, dogs, birds, farm Click for more info. o Raw Juices Can Save Your Life - by Sandra Cabot MD | RAW JUICES CAN SAVE YOUR LIFE is a safe and effective way to join the alternative medicine Click for more info. o RAW - by Charlie Trotter and Roxanne Klein | The raw-food movement has arrived in the culinary mainstream, with top chefs like Charlie Trotter Click for more info. o The Raw Truth - by Jeremy A. Safron | A down-to-earth, no-fuss guide to making delicious, hearty, proud-to-be-raw cuisine. Click for more info. o Diet For A New America - by John Robbins | Diet for a New America, is considered by many to be one of the most important contributors to the reduced beef consumption in America Click for more info. o Raw Food Primer - by Chef Suzanne Alex Ferrara | The Raw Food Primer is filled with fifty delicious, easy-to-follow recipes that are sure to make your Click for more info. o Living Foods Lifestyle - by Brenda Cobb | Brenda Cobb has written an inspiring story, describing her recovery from a diagnosis of cancer Click for more info. o Coconut Oil for Health and Beauty - by Cynthia Holzapfel and Laura Holzapfel | Expert advice, delicious recipes and natural beauty secrets are each described within. Click for more info. o The Raw Life - Guide To the Raw Food Diet and Lifestyle - by Paul Nison | Becoming Natural In An Unnatural World will tell you all you need to know about taking control of your health Click for more info. o Kelp, Dulse and Other Sea Supplements - by William H. Lee, R.Ph., Ph.D. | Food and Medicine From the Sea! Ninety-two nutritional elements have been found in the plants Click for more info. o The Raw Life - Guide To the Raw Food Diet and Lifestyle - by Paul Nison | There are an estimated 60 million dogs and 70 million cats living as beloved companions in Click for more info. o Becoming Vegan - by Brenda Davis, R.D. & Vesanto Melina, M.S., R.D. | Two of North America's foremost vegetarian dietitians present up-to-date findings on the benefits of a vegan diet Click for more info. o Thank God For RAW - by Julie Wandling | Recipes for Health! This book contains more than 100 simple and delicious recipes to bring profound healing benefits Click for more info. o The New Vegetarian Baby - by Sharon K. Yntema | In this all-new edition of America's favorite guide to bringing up baby as a vegetarian, authors Sharon Yntema and Christine Beard explain in clear, Click for more info. o Raising Vegetarian Children - by Joanne Stepaniak, M.S. Ed. and Vesanto Melina, M.S. | Raising Vegetarian Children is a comprehensive guide to help foster happy and healthy families. Click for more info. o The Sunfood Cuisine - by Frederic Patenaude | The recipes in this book have been created to be pleasing to the palate. Click for more info. o Eating For Beauty - by David Wolfe | One of America's foremost nutrition experts, describes how to cleanse, nourish, and beautify by utilizing the benefits of a fresh-food diet. Click for more info. o American Indian Healing Arts - E. Barrie Kavasch and Karen Baar | Throughout their history, the American Indians have healed with rituals using herbs, fungi, and Click for more info. o Dr. Jensen's Juicing Therapy - by Dr. Bernard Jensen | Dr. Jensen's years of study have proved the juices - both fruit and vegetable - are the fastest method for getting nutrients into our bodies. Click for more info. o Living Cuisine - by Renee Loux Underkoffler, with forward by Woody Harrelson | The complete guide to eating and living RAW, with more than 300 irresistible gourmet recipes. Click for more info. o Mad Cowboy - by Howard F. Lyman | testimony on The Oprah Winfrey Show revealed the deadly impact of the livestock industry on our well-being. Click for more info. o The Healing Miracles of Coconut Oil - by Bruce Fife, N.D. | Researchers have clearly shown that the oil from coconuts, a plant source, acts differently than the saturated fat from animal sources. Click for more info. o Fit For Life - Not Fat For Life - by Harvey Diamond | Harvey Diamond, international best-selling author, brings over 32 years of research and study on nutrition/weight loss to bear in his new book. Click for more info. o Food Combining and Digestion - by Steve Meyerowitz | 101 ways to improve your digestion! Your digestive tract is the busiest organ in your body. Click for more info. o Rainbow Green Live-Food Cuisine - by Gabriel Cousens, M.D. and the Tree of Life Cafe Chefs | Medical researchers have found that a high-fat, high-sugar diet, combined with environmental pollutants and stress, can lead to a buildup of toxins in the body... Click for more info. o Conscious Eating - by Gabriel Cousens, M.D. | In this new addition of Conscious Eating, Dr. Gabriel Cousens has added original research Click for more info. o Your Right To Be Beautiful - by Tonya Zavasta | How to halt the train of aging and meet the Most Beautiful You! It is biologically possible to look beautiful at any age. This book contains revolutionary ideas that will help you to reveal this latent beauty. Click for more info. o Raw Yoga Video - by Kim Toledo with Bonus Lecture by David Wolfe | Led by Kim Toledo, an accomplished Astanga Yoga instructor and raw foodist, Raw Yoga offers solid, guided instruction for practicing yoga students. Click for more info. o Health Hazards of White Sugar - by Lynne Melcombe | The health problems posed by refined White Sugars should not be underestimated. Refined Sugar stresses the metabolism, disrupts digestion and wreaks havoc in the brain. It has been connected with health problems ranging from dental decay, Click for more info. o RawSome - by Brigitte Mars | Tackling head-on the skepticism likely to greet proponents of what the world sees as a "fad" diet, renowned nutritionist and long-time raw-foods adherent Brigitte Mars presents historical data, case studies, and scientific evidence confirming the efficacy of raw foods diets Click for more info. o Healthy 4 Him - by Julie Wandling, HM | From the author of Thank God For Raw, Julia Wandling, comes this new and exciting book filled with over 100+ simple and delicious vegan recipes. Julia provides the continuing story of her and her family's experience on the "The Hallelujah Diet". Click for more info. o Power Plants - By Kin ONeil, PhD & Byron Murray, PhD | Power Plants offers a scientific approach to phytonutrition in a practical format that anyone can use for optimal health." 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Click for more info. * Soaps Return to Top Sprouting Corner * Sprouting Corner Return to Top o FreshLife Automatic Sprouter | The FreshLife Automatic Sprouter has a fully automatic sprinkler system that sprays water onto seeds and supplies them with air, to grow fresh sprouts all by itself - 24 hours a day - All Year Long! Click for more info. o FreshLife Sprouter--Extra Barrel | The FreshLife Sprouter is expandable to allow you to grow two times the sprouts! Just purchase a second sprout barrel to double your sprouting area. Click for more info. o Organic Broccoli Seeds | Sprouting Organic Broccoli Seeds o Organic Mung Beans - China | Sprouting Organic Mung Beans - China o Sprouting Organic Red Lentils - Turkey | Sprouting Organic Red Lentils - Turkey o Organic Green Lentils - Canada | Sprouting Organic Green Lentils - Canada o Organic Brown Sesame Seeds - El Salvador | Sprouting Organic Brown Sesame Seeds - El Salvador o Organic Hard Red Spring Wheat | Sprouting Organic Hard Red Spring Wheat o Organic Black Sunflower Seeds (in hull) - China | Organic Black Sunflower Seeds (in hull) - China o Organic Sprouting Green Snow Peas | Organic Sprouting Green Snow Peas o Organic Sprouting Buckwheat (in hull) | Organic Sprouting Buckwheat (in hull) o Organic Red Lentils | Organic Sprouting Red Lentils o Organic Hard White Spring Wheat | Organic Sprouting Hard White Spring Wheat o Organic French Lentils | Sprouting Organic French Lentils Raw, Living Foods | Supplements & Vitamins | Beauty & Skin Care | Books & Videos Appliances | Natural Cleaning | Sprouting Corner Home | Search | Contact Us | ViewCart/Checkout | Sitemap EatRaw Corporation Call Toll Free: 866-4EatRaw (866-432-8729) Healthy Food Healthy Pets Print This Book Search # Introduction # Precursor # Part 1 - Why # Part 2 - What # Part 3 - How # Appendix A # Appendix B # Afterwords # Animal Tales More Pages Pets Peeves Pets Teach Us Chemical List Herb List Skin Care Milk: Natural? 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Standard Process Whole Food Supplements: Standard Process makes quality whole food supplements for humans and now, they also have an excellent pet line of supplements. I now only use the Standard Process line of supplements, with a few exceptions, for my pets. Standard Process has supplements for both dogs and cats. What I like about Standard Process is that the quality of the ingredients used along with the method of manufacturing are both of the highest standards. Standard Process supplements have a high bio-availability, that is, the body is more easily able to use the nutrition in the supplements due to the fact they are made from concentrated whole foods. The Standard Process supplements for pets have been created by a vet that is very knowledgeable about nutrition. Additionally, what I like about the pet supplements by Standard Process is that they have been formulated to help such organs as the liver, kidneys, heart, lungs, etc. In fact, the basic supplement for pets known as Canine Whole Body Support or Feline Whole Body Support, are specifically designed to provide nutrition for the whole body. Other supplements have been specifically designed to assist the kidneys, liver, adrenals, thyroid, joints, intestines, etc. The Standard Process supplements combine herbs, glandulars and nutrition all together to create quality supplements for our pets. Standard Process supplements cannot be found in stores nor can you order the supplements directly from Standard Process. The supplements are only available through health care professionals. Therefore, you need to know a health care professional who already provides Standard Process supplements in order to be obtain them. If you do not know of a health care professional that currently provides Standard Process, then you can order the Standard Process supplements through www.trophozyme.com. trophozyme.com is operated by Dr. Seliski, ND who is also a friend of mine. The trophozyme.com web site is actually a web site that is designed to help educate people about the importance of nutrition in human health. Dr. Seliski first introduced me to Standard Process supplements in 1998 and while I was assisting him in organizing and creating the trophozyme.com web site, I noticed that Standard Process also had launched a pet supplement line. Since this time, I've been using the Standard Process supplements for my pets also. So if you also want to use Standard Process supplements, you either need to know a health care professional who already provides them or you can visit www.trophozyme.com and send an email requesting information about the pet supplements. The pet supplements at trophozyme.com are by request only. Those that request information will be given a link that will provide information about the pet supplements plus, should you choose, an order form allowing you to order the supplements and have them shipped to you. If you are also interested in health for yourself, then trophozyme.com is an excellent resource that provides you with lots of information. * Although the trophozyme.com web site provides more detailed information about the Standard Process supplements for pets, I briefly talk about them in Appendix A - Scene 8 of my book. Herbal and Homeopathic Remedies: You can get herbal and homeopathic remedies from your local health food store. Ideally, you should get homeopathic or herbal remedies from your holistic veterinarian. Other sources of homeopathic and herbal remedies include your local naturopath or homeopath. For general health, you can use herbal remedies for assisting the liver, kidneys, lymph system, blood purification, eliminating parasites and more. You can also use homeopathic remedies for the same purpose. * Please remember to read how I convert human products to pet products. Heel Products: The following products are really good. There are all homeopathic. But where you can get them from is something I am not sure of. Many health food stores now carry these products and you can most likely shop for them online. * Traumeel Cream o trauma, bruises, healing of the skin * Traumeel Tablets o for any type of shock or trauma... internal or external trauma... mind, body or emotional trauma * Adrisin o allergies * Nereel o nervous system, overactive, behavioural problems In addition to the remedies above, the Heel web site explains other products and uses that may be beneficial to your pet. * Please remember to read how I convert human products to pet products. Calcium: As mentioned on my calcium page, I am now using calcium lactate by Standard Process to provide a source of calcium. But you can also make your own egg shell supplement by grinding egg shells into a powder, also explained on my calcium page. For some, they do not have the time to grind the egg shells and for others they simply do not have access to enough egg shells to make any powder. Luckily, if you want to use ground egg shells then you can now buy egg shells that have been ground for you! The product is called Eggshellent Calcium and it's available through Pet's Friends Inc. which is operated by Dr. Russell Swift, DVM. Visit Dr. Swift's web site for more information: www.mypetsfriend.com The calcium lactate by Standard Process can be obtained through any health care professional that provides Standard Process supplements or from www.trophozyme.com. The benefit of calcium lactate is that it doesn't contain any phosphorus and the benefit of ground egg shells is that it is low in phosphorus. The low phosphorus is important for a special reason which is also explained on the calcium page. Digestive Enzymes and Friendly Bacteria: I personally like to give my pets pancreatic derived enzyme supplements. The other option is to give fungal (vegetarian) derived enzymes. But since our pets are natural carnivores, it makes more sense to give pancreatic derived enzymes. In addition, I simply find that more pets do better on pancreatic derived enzymes, especially those that vomit. I personally use the digestive enzymes by Standard Process but you can also find enzymes at your local health food store. When buying from your local health food store you will need to read the label to determine if the enzyme supplement is pancreatic derived. Dr. Russell Swift, DVM also makes some really nice enzyme supplements for pets. You can order this supplement directly through Dr. Swift's web site at www.mypetsfriend.com. Dr. Swift's supplements are known as "Pet's Friend" product. Pet's Friend FloraZyme EFA contains high potency enzymes and friendly intestinal bacteria and safflower petals (a source of essential fatty acids). This is a fungal (vegetarian) derived enzyme supplement. I personally find that the FloraZyme LP works a little better; however, this product also works fine but pets with a weaker digestive system will benefit more from the FloraZyme LP. Pet's Friend FloraZyme LP contains high potency pancreatic derived enzymes, friendly intestinal bacteria, liver and pancreas concentrates and other important nutrients. More information is available on digestive enzymes. It's also a good idea to provide friendly bacteria (acidophilus, etc) which you can also get from your local health food store or vitamin shop. Sometimes, depending on the situation, it doesn't hurt to provide extra friendly bacteria. * Please remember to read how I convert human products to pet products. Essential Fatty Acids: You can also go to you local health food store or vitamin store for essential fatty acid supplements. As mentioned, I use Standard Process supplements now with a few exceptions. This is one of those exceptions. I use the nutritional supplements and enzymes by Standard Process for my pets, but when it comes to essential fatty acids, I get my EFA's from my local health food store. Your local health food store or vitamin shop will probably provide oils or they may provide essential fatty acid supplements in soft gel capsules. My dogs personally enjoy these soft gel capsules and so I give them as a treat every now and then. You can also make your own essential fatty acid supplement by combining pumpkin, sunflower and flax seed together. * Please remember to read how I convert human products to pet products. Glandulars: Glandulars help nourish and heal the body. In the past, I used glandulars made by Dr. Russell Swift, DVM. But now, I no longer give specific glandular supplements as the whole food supplements made by Standard Process contains glandulars. If you are interested in more specific glandulars, then I would suggest you visit Dr. Swift's web site at www.mypetsfriend.com. Minerals: Dr. Swift also makes an excellent mineral supplement known as AniMinerals. You can order this supplement through his web site if you want. But if using the Standard Process supplements, then a mineral supplement isn't really necessary as the Standard Process supplements will provide every mineral known to man. Creams, Lotions and Shampoos: I order all of my creams, lotions and shampoos from Ferlow Botanicals. These products are simply amazing. The folks at Ferlow Botanicals don't use any preservatives, additives, perfumes, etc. You can visit the Ferlow Botanicals web site to order: http://www.ferlowbotanicals.com/ * For information on what various creams and lotions do, please review my skin care page. Other Sources of Products: * Oil of Tamanu o I know of two locations that you can order oil of tamanu from. One location is a little more expensive than the other location, but the cheaper location is only written in French. If you can manage to understand how to order in French, then you will save money. I must admit, it's not hard or difficult to order in French (at least I was able to do it). o I recently ordered using the French order form. The product is cheaper and it comes directly from Tahiti. It took about 2 weeks for delivery. + English order page + French order page * Aloe Vera Juice o Get this from your local health food store. Please remember that it needs to be sodium benzoate (otherwise known as benzoic acid) free. * Vitamin C o My preference for vitamin C is either Cataplex A-C-P made by Standard Process or the product called "Meta C" which is made by Nutribiotic. Meta C will be available at most vitamin stores and/or health food stores whereas Cataplex A-C-P can be ordered through www.trophozyme.com. Most vitamin C products on the market are synthetically made, but both Meta C and Cataplex A-C-P are derived from food sources. * Pure Synergy o Pure Synergy is a green food supplement and available at most health food stores and/or vitamin stores. It is more expensive than most green food supplements because the quality is higher and it's all organic. Ingredients like soy lecithin, which is used as a cheap filler in addition to its nutritional benefits, is used in the least amount as compared to most products which use soy lecithin and the main ingredient. * Green Alive o This is a cheaper green food supplement than Pure Synergy. This product is also available at your local health food store or vitamin shop. The quality isn't as high, but nonetheless it is still good. * Please remember to read how I convert human products to pet products. 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XL Black M - XL $25.00 Hooded Sweatshirt XXL Black XXL $26.50 Hoodia Gordonii 20:1 50 grams $35.00 Horny Goat Weed (20%) 100 grams $4.99 Hydroxypropyl-Beta Cyclodextrin 250 grams $29.99 Idebenone Powder 25 grams $32.50 Inositol 1000 grams $31.99 Inositol 200 grams $5.99 Ipriflavone 250 grams $5.99 L-Carnitine Powder 500 grams $24.99 L-Carnitine Powder 250 grams $14.99 L-Carnitine Powder 1000 grams $37.99 L-Histidine Base Powder 100 grams $15.00 L-Theanine Powder* 20 grams $9.99 L-Tyrosine Powder 200 grams $11.99 L-Tyrosine Powder 500 grams $19.99 L-Tyrosine Powder 1000 grams $37.99 Libido Enhancement Stack Stack $56.48 Long Jack 100:1 Powder* 50 grams $17.00 Maca Extract 150 grams $14.00 Methoxyisoflavone Powder* 30 grams $23.99 Milk Thistle Powder (80%) 125 grams $10.00 N-Acetyl-Cysteine (NAC) Powder 1000g $54.99 N-Acetyl-Cysteine (NAC) Powder 100 grams $8.99 N-Acetyl-Cysteine (NAC) powder 500 grams $34.99 Ornithine-Alpha KetoGlutarate (O-AKG) 100 grams $17.99 Ornithine-Alpha KetoGlutarate (O-AKG) 500 grams $69.99 Ornithine-Alpha KetoGlutarate (O-AKG) 250 grams $39.99 Oxiracetam Powder 100 grams $59.99 Oxiracetam Powder 50 grams $36.99 Oxiracetam Powder 25 grams $19.99 Phenibut Powder 30 grams $15.99 Phenibut Powder 500 grams $170.00 Phenibut Powder 100 grams $39.99 Phosphatidyl serine 50% 100g $89.99 Phosphatidyl serine 50% 50g $49.99 Phosphatidyl serine 50% 25g $27.99 Piracetam Powder 250 grams $9.99 Piracetam Powder* 700 grams $19.99 Potassium-r-ALA 25 grams $19.99 Potassium-r-ALA 100 grams $75.00 Pro Liver 90 Capsules $14.99 Propionyl L -Carnitine HCL Powder 200 grams $39.99 Propionyl L -Carnitine HCL Powder 75 grams $16.99 Pyroglutamic Acid Powder 500 grams $22.99 Pyroglutamic Acid Powder 200 grams $9.99 Quercetin Powder 100 grams $10.99 R-ALA 100 Capsules/100 mg $15.00 Rhodiola Rosea 500 grams $69.99 Rhodiola Rosea 100 grams $14.99 Rhodiola Rosea 250 grams $39.99 Salvia Miltiorrhiza Powder (40% tanshinones) 100 grams $19.99 Saw Palmetto Powder* 150 grams $13.00 SerinAid 25g $27.99 SerinAid 100g $89.99 SerinAid 50g $49.99 Shaker Bottle 25 oz $2.50 Sodium Acetate 1000 grams $14.99 Sodium Acetate 500 grams $8.99 Stevia Extract Powder 250 grams $34.99 Stevia Extract Powder 50 grams $11.00 Taurine Powder 150 grams $6.00 Taurine Powder 500 grams $12.00 Taurine Powder 1000 grams $19.99 Tribulus Terrestris Powder (60%) 100 grams $7.99 Tyramine Powder 10 grams $9.99 Wild Yam Extract (16% Diosgenin) 200 grams $9.99 Yohimbine HCl Caps* 90 Capsules/2.5 mg $8.99 Yohimbine HCl Powder* per gram $5.00 ZMA 180 Capsules $15.99 ABB CreaForce 500 g $14.99 CreaForce 1000 g $26.99 Extreme XXL 6 lb $23.99 GlutaForce 1000 g $51.99 GlutaForce 500 g $31.99 Hardcore Pak 40 Packets $31.99 Lean Stack 90 Capsules $14.99 MRP Force 20 Servings $31.99 Pure Pro 4.5 lb $31.99 Rivets 24 Pack $29.49 Steel Bar 24 Pack $21.00 Abbott Laboratories Bacteriostatic Water 30 ml $5.00 Accu Measure FatTrack GOLD Caliper + Tape $26.99 Fitness 2000 Caliper Standard $11.99 MyoTape Body Tape Measure Standard $6.50 MyoTape D $13.99 ALRI Building the Perfect Beast $29.99 Chizeled 120ml $32.99 CR2 240 Capsules $23.99 E Max LMG 60 Capsules $36.99 Energex 90 Caps $13.99 Impact Ultra 20ml $34.99 MAX LMG 90 Caps $36.99 N'GORGE 240 Caps $39.99 Prostanozol 90 Caps $39.99 Ultra HOT 60 Caps $37.99 XXX Rush 90 Caps $30.99 Amino Vital Amino Vital Soluble Dietary Supplement $27.00 Fast Charge 6 Packs $7.99 Fast Charge 30 Packs $26.99 Mix & Shake 5 Packs $7.99 Anabolic Extreme Superdrol 90 Capsules $56.99 ANSI
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